Holiday Fun!

Okay! First things first. My consultation came back with a lot of great information from Coach Suz. I highly suggest checking her out at . I’ve taken her advice into account and I’m updating my training with a much higher chance at success. First, my speed training on Tuesdays are out, replaced with hill training. I was reading up online about six and sevens, which involves using a treadmill to keep yourself at a set pace but then increasing to a high incline (6-7%) for a minute or two at times. Second, I’m putting in some cut back weeks, where instead of constantly increasing long runs I cut back to a lower mileage to heal for a week. Third, I’m limiting my bike cross training based on calories burned (not the most accurate but it’s the only thing I’ve got that crosses multiple platforms). This will keep me from over-training.

So, my first hill training Tuesday was last week. This is one heck of a workout! I struggled, but I managed to get 3 lengthy sets in 30 minutes for 3.5 miles in. I extended some of the incline times (mostly 2 minute periods for 6 total incline periods). I then got on the bike until I totaled 1,000 calories for the day (50ish minutes). I was tired, but I felt really good, and I think my muscles are definitely going to improve.

Wednesday I took the train down to NYC with my brother and sister-in-law. I had to take my luggage on the MBTA and 6-8 blocks in NYC, but overall I tried to keep my rest day restful. We then met up with my Mother and Father to go to Radio City Music Hall. Which was amazing! My dad took out all the stops and we were only the second row in. It is an amazing show! I’m not huge into Christmas and I loved it. I was very impressed with the performers organization/skill and all of the really interactive show pieces (drone snowflakes, confetti, and streamers).

We all got funny hats to commemorate the event. Then we went to the Rainbow Room on Floor 67 of the NBC building for a drink. After that we went to Capital Grille for an amazing meal. Following this we hit Rockefeller center to see the lights.

12346379_10100874260008046_9080187422656679718_n“huh, where’d my family go? It’s almost like they disappeared as soon as I put my hat on…”

The timing was pretty cool, because as soon as we got to the other side of the angel exhibit a light show started on the outside of Sak’s.

The next day I did get my speed training/biking in (3 miles at 21:30!). I went with my brother and sister-in-law to the Toys-R-Us store (yes, we rode the ferris wheel), and then I went with my parents to stand in line for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Sadly my mom was feeling ill and left partway through the show, but my dad and I saw the whole show. If you didn’t see it, it was the episode where Stephen’s monologue was interrupted by Jon Stewart, and he beat up Bruce Willis.12348162_10100874257882306_6063238180846444507_n

After dinner and drinks we turned in for the night. The last day I went with my brother and sister-in-law to the 9/11 museum. They tried to convince me to stay late, but I HAD to get to my first team long run the next day at 8 am in Boston.

The 9/11 museum is amazing, and I could have spent days in there with all of the information/exhibits. It was also a great reminder of one of the many reasons I am running my race for such a great charity. These hero’s deserve our utmost attention and support. It is an honor to run for a charity that is looking to improve research, supply support and equipment. ( and

We had to run 6+ blocks through NYC to catch our train (no small feat with luggage), and got on board just as they were calling for the last passengers to board.

I was able to get back home in time to start laundry and fall asleep for my morning run. I had my morning pre-run bagel before setting out on the MBTA to get to the Boston Marathon Run Base on Boylston Street.

It was an interesting experience overall, everyone on the teams were so friendly and nice. There were about 60 of us after some photos and a presentation we started the run with a dance party!

The training run was meant for multiple levels of people, some started at only 6 miles, and the more experienced did 10 miles. I quickly split off from the group and joined some of the more experienced runners after the first mile. I was right on pace for my long runs (starting around 8:40 splits and finishing at 9:00). It was certainly interesting to be social on my runs instead of my usual anti-social self. I was really pushing to get myself out of my comfort zone in that respect.

It was a good social run until I started to get closer to the shop. I started to separate from the pack so I decided to keep going to get my full distance in. The one thing I didn’t account for was that my stomach started to really get upset with me. I am going to blame the dinner on that one, my brother had insisted on getting Chinese food the night before.

I was running back on Commonwealth Avenue when I realized “huh, I’m on Commonwealth Avenue, not on Boylston, so I won’t find the Run Base here”. I just kept going at that point, not wanting to cut such a beautiful run short. I eventually found the Boston Commons and started doing laps around it. I LOVE BOSTON! It is truly beautiful in any weather, and that day was no exception. The trees hadn’t completely shed their foliage, and the air was brisk and perfect.

12.12.15 run

Overall I did pretty good, completing my full training run in a little over 2 hours. However I was feeling particularly off after refueling with a small breakfast bar. I walked back to the shop (4 blocks) and got changed into non-sweaty clothes. The staff told me the rest of the team went to Joe’s American Bar and Grill for Brunch so I wandered over there.

Now is when you should know I was feeling off, I turned down brunch (my love affair with breakfast is the type of thing you write epic poems about). I was not even slightly hungry or thirsty. I was tempted away by a Winter Warmer from Harpoon while I was trying to get change for my $20 (I figured I should leave at least a buck or two since they refilled my water so much).

I wandered back to the red line and once I got home I showered and collapsed (after reheating the leftover chinese food). I was out for a few hours but I woke up feeling even worse. My stomach never calmed down and it was a struggle to complete the rest of my chores/errands for the night.

Today I woke up particularly late for me (I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 9:30, that is rare for someone who sleeps 7-8 hours like clockwork). I also woke up feeling hungover, despite not even having anything with alcohol after my beer at 11 am. My stomach would not settle down either. I woke up too late to get bike cross training in before going to my parents to help with more Christmas decorations.

I ran errands with my family and helped unload some boxes, but after starting to feel dizzy on/off and my stomach still not settling down I took it easy and just made a fire. After some time taking it easy (with copious amounts of water and some crackers) I started to feel better so I’m cutting out the biking today. My right hamstring is still a little sore, and my stomach has FINALLY settled. I’m not sure what was going on, but the more I pushed the more sick I felt. For once I will be listening to my body on this one, I need to rest after a vacation and a great run. I’m also pretty sure I’m passing some type of stomach bug as I am getting consistently dehydrated and exhausted.

This is not something I want to get into the habit of doing, but it was fairly obvious to me that this is an exception I need to take into account or my body is not going to fair well against this bug. Even the TRAPS doesn’t feel like this, this is quite an unusual response from my body.

This has the added benefit that if I feel well enough tomorrow I can get in my Hill training a day early (which accommodates a Charity Teams meeting on Tuesday and my birthday on Wednesday).

I did decide to finally replace my running shoes, and the nice woman at the shop recommended some high quality socks to reduce my blistering problems. My 15% off coupon went to good use! We were evaluating several different pairs, but the Saucony Omni’s turned out to be the right fit again.


And this years model is in my favorite color!

Right now I’ve decided I’m going to get a nice bland chicken pesto sandwich (or grilled chicken salad) and some good sleep tonight. I’m hoping I’ll be recovered by the morning! It was still a good week and I’m confident my training can accommodate such a tiny hiccup. PLUS! 15 miles baby! I’m getting up there!

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